It's time to take a breather, I just finished 8 new card designs! One is featured here and two on my shop area. They will be available soon at my Etsy store, but for now they are still being scanned and printed.
My Etsy store will have a new name Cartoon Girl Designs, so please pay a visit. One design has been pinned on Pinterest, Yay! Happy to see the designs are enjoyed!
I am hoping to also use my bamboo tablet more, I have the brushes app on my Ipad and really want to get into digital painting. I have to find out if the Bamboo can work with Ipad, if not I have the Photoshop cs5 suite so that might have to do for now. I would love to be able to scan my sketches, transfer to my Ipad and have the digital painting available for when I am in Florida. Again, I try to work in so many projects I need 54 hours in a day! Experimenting keeps you fresh and gives so many more options for creating art.
Next Blog I hope to share photos of some fabrication I am involved with at work. Till then Have a great day!